We don't have a " European wide web " we have a " World Wide Web" and we just joined it on equal terms. That's the democracy the U.K chose, and whilst I voted in, we are out and that's the democratic process. Fair play and end of.
The Rebel.
We don't have a " European wide web " we have a " World Wide Web" and we just joined it on equal terms. That's the democracy the U.K chose, and whilst I voted in, we are out and that's the democratic process. Fair play and end of.
The Rebel.
"more than half of the people in the u.k either aren't saving at all or they aren't saving enough to give themselves the standard of living they hope for" ( the money advice service).
how do you have your retirement planned?.
as for myself, i never botherd with putting money in a pension, i opted instead to invest in buy to let properties.
My advice for the young.
Whilst this may not be politically correct to say, many dumb people spend 4% more on gambling than food. I of course appreciate many don't drink, gamble or smoke and for no fault of their own can't save for retirement. My conclusion is being able to save for retirement for many is a privalige. I appreciate many have no job security, and work for wages not large enough to save. However whilst full sympathy, it is still wise to be " positive" and think about " house purchase" if possible rather than to rent. The fact is every 10 years the value of property doubles, as does paying rent which gives you nothing back.
Anyway bringing this thread back to " Jehovers Witness" related, if you are a young witness pioneering, don't be another victim. As a pioneer you have great communication skills, and the opportunity to make a future for yourself, and your future family. Don't blow it
The fact is NO EDUCATION AND NO DEGREE DOES NOT MEEN NO FUTURE. ( even if you can't spell mean) I honestly believe if a person has a lot of determination, and a nice friendly disposition the world can open some wonderful doors.
The Rebel.
p.s I would like to add TWO interesting statistics.
1) In England 80% of wealth is inherited.
2) In central London council flats will soon be worth £ 1,0000000. Those single mums who were given a free flat in the eighties simply for getting pregnant are now " millionaires" if they took up the " right to buy scheme"
Therefore the " Rebels" money advice for the young, it's a crazy world, and living in the capital of any country is always a good first step to making money. Why? Simply because it's where the money is.
The Rebel.
"more than half of the people in the u.k either aren't saving at all or they aren't saving enough to give themselves the standard of living they hope for" ( the money advice service).
how do you have your retirement planned?.
as for myself, i never botherd with putting money in a pension, i opted instead to invest in buy to let properties.
"more than half of the people in the U.K either aren't saving at all or they aren't saving enough to give themselves the standard of living they hope for" ( The Money advice service)
How do you have your retirement planned?
As for myself, I never botherd with putting money in a pension, I opted instead to invest in buy to let properties. Last year the government put an additional 25% tax payable on the appreciation capital, but as the tax wasn't back-dated I am still ok.
I opted for Buy-to let as my pension because I can live comfortsbly on the property rentals, and then leave the properties to my son when I die.
Sadly I know the " organisation" is not sympathetic to the retirement plans of its members, but are you screwed or did you plan for a delayed Armegedon?
The Rebel.
I am a huge Bill Hicks fan, but I am not sure what he is doing on the above poster, as he was no athiest.
Bill Hicks " On June 16 I was diagnosed with having " liver cancer" that had spread to the pancreas. " Why me! . Why now!?"..... Well I know now there may never be any answer to those questions"
Anyway Bill Hicks was no athiest, but he did say this " I have the idea God might be fuckin with our heads"
The Rebel.
p.s Bill Hicks is the guy on the bottom line, smoking either a very long cigarette or a joint next to Stephen Fry and Brad Pitt.
R.I.P Bill Hicks born 1961 death 1994.
i think for me in the last year the death of david bowie got to me the most.
not only in the way he handled his demise so classy by even making a song about it and a you tube about dying and sharing it with fans, but just his whole persona i always thought was pretty cool.
plus i enjoyed a good many of his songs.
I bought my wife, my son and I tickets to see Elton John in concert this November.
Whats that got to do with this thread? Well it's my way of introducing " DAVID ACKLES"
Who is " DAVID ACKLES" ?
Well according to Elton John, Elvis Costello, and Jerry Garcia amoung others "David ACKLES" was a genius, singer/ song writer . Therefore may I suggest you listen to " Loves Enough" by " David ACKLES" who sadly passed away being appreciated only by his wife a few fans and those that are talented enough to appreciate genius.
The Rebel.
P.S. This lady also served " Marianne Joan Elliot-Said " July 1957 death Apri 2011) best known by the name Poly Styrene, and founder of X-Ray Spex....yes in 1977 great music was more enthusiasm than talent, and Punk Rock ruled...Poly in her later years became a Hara- Kristina and died of breast cancer at 53.
The Rebel.
i think for me in the last year the death of david bowie got to me the most.
not only in the way he handled his demise so classy by even making a song about it and a you tube about dying and sharing it with fans, but just his whole persona i always thought was pretty cool.
plus i enjoyed a good many of his songs.
We all know Lynyrd Skynyrd but who remembers the name Ronnie Vancant,( January 1948 death October 1977) the original lead singer and the songwriter off all Lynyrd Skynyrds greatest hits.
If I leave here tomorrow
Would you remember me
For I must be traveling on now
Theres too many places I got to see.
The Rebel.
p.s , Fly high all you free birds in rock heaven...the music must be really good up there, and sadly keeps getting better and better.
i think for me in the last year the death of david bowie got to me the most.
not only in the way he handled his demise so classy by even making a song about it and a you tube about dying and sharing it with fans, but just his whole persona i always thought was pretty cool.
plus i enjoyed a good many of his songs.
"Wonderful life" By Black. ( born May 62, death January 2016)
Look at me standing
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine
No need to run and hide
Its a wonderful wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
Its a wonderful, wonderful life.
............ maybe a one hit wonder, so I mention " Black" who died in a car crash earlier this year. I also think if you like the song " Wonderful life" get the Album, it's all rather impressive and difficult to understand why he never became a huge star.
The Rebel.
once upon a time i started a thread who is your favorite thinker and got many responses.
however revisiting that thread i noted we were to modest to name ourselves or fellow posters.
i therefore think we are either complete idiots, or modesty aside we should now name names, and restrict our answers to posters on the board.. so who on this board is your favorite thinker and why?.
My favorite thinker, is the poster whose thoughts are most inspiring, most compassionate, and most sensitivie to how fragile many posters are. Therefore without favoritism I nominate millie210.
The Rebel.
once upon a time i started a thread who is your favorite thinker and got many responses.
however revisiting that thread i noted we were to modest to name ourselves or fellow posters.
i therefore think we are either complete idiots, or modesty aside we should now name names, and restrict our answers to posters on the board.. so who on this board is your favorite thinker and why?.
Giordano " the ones I don't care for are those that jump new posters and run them off"
The Rebel (A) Great comment, nice one, we are ex- Jehovers Witnesses and not educated at Oxford university.
The Rebel.
i was raised as a jw and 1975 expectations were pretty intense.
as i recall, most people did not leave after the failed expectations but many s l o w e d down.
now, i think most of the 1975 witnesses are gone or barely in.. is the older generation still around in the kingdom halls or are they much gone?.
Those that don't know what they are doing there are still around. Those that don't reason are still around. Those that don't take the consequences of still being around are still around. Those that are losers are still around.
The Rebel.